
Shane Suzuki Challenges Jason Quek

Shane Suzuki: “I am officially issuing a Challenge to Singapore BJJ's Instructor Jason Quek.”

(an article by the Coffee Boy)

         Shane Kohei Suzuki, the BJJ coach at FIGHT G Academy in Singapore has issued a challenge (through his Facebook page) to Jason Quek, the instructor at Singapore BJJ:

“I am officially issuing a Challenge to Singapore BJJ's Instructor Jason Quek. I am willing to give $500 to him if he can defeat me in a standard IBJJF ruleset match. Saturday December 1st, I'll even do it at his gym. Gi, 8 minutes, points or submission, and we'll get a Black Belt from a neutral gym to referee. Please spread the word guys, as I am not friends with anyone from his gym.”

I got a chance to catch up with Shane to find out more about him and the background behind the challenge he has issued, which has caused a bit of a stir in the Singaporean BJJ community.

          “I started training around six years ago under Ben Hall of Carlson Gracie Jiu Jitsu in Australia, he's the one who initially graded me,” he tells me, “Since Blue Belt, when I left Australia, I've been training primarily with Atos-VPF in Philippines under Ralph Go & Ali Sulit. Until now, I still train with them regularly every other month.”

         On why he moved to Singapore from Australia, he said “…I have family here. My father had lived in Singapore for 20 years already and my sister was born here, so I initially came here for them but then found an opportunity to teach BJJ.”

         Suzuki is currently a brown belt in the art, being promoted after having won the World Pro Cup back in May. He has a bunch of students under him at Fight G Academy, mostly new to the art while his top students are blue belts, and believes they will make a name for themselves in the BJJ Competition Circuit.

         After Suzuki issued the challenge, many BJJ practitioners and fans alike have been buzzing about the potential match, and a lot of rumors have been spreading as to why he issued the challenge. Suzuki explained that he originally wanted to keep his intentions private, but after so many people were unsure, he decided it was best to explain himself clearly:

         “I've actually had this in mind for a long time already, I'm friends with guys from almost every gym in Singapore and a lot of these guys told me things that Jason apparently has been saying about me and my students for ages. I'm tired of hearing these stories, so I figure to let him back up his words and prove himself against me in front of everyone, in a situation where no one can lie or hide.

         “Also, Jason tried to poach some of my students last year and early this year, which I take very serious offense to. I believe that an instructor should focus on producing his own students rather than stealing other instructors students, however that's a topic for another day.”

         When asked what it was that Jason Quek had been saying about him, Suzuki replied: “That is something I cannot publicly share, as everything that was said to me was said in confidentiality. All I can tell you is that I had more than one person from almost every gym in Singapore tell me something that was said.”

         In a nutshell, the reasons behind the challenge he issued basically boils down to Quek attempting to poach his students, and “stuff” that he has been saying to other people about him. As of now, Jason Quek has yet to formally accept the challenge, however, “…Only through his student have I been updated. As of now, his student said that if I give him some time to prepare he will most likely accept the match. So, as of now, it looks like he will accept, but the fight will not be until January.”

         For those unclear of the challenge, here is his full explanation, and then some:

“I've challenged him to a standard IBJJF Brown Belt rules match. Gi, 8 minutes, points or submission and Professor Leke from Impact has agreed to be the referee.

“The terms of the challenge is that if he can beat me under these rules, I will give him money from my own pocket.

Venue does not matter to me one bit. I would of course prefer it to be at my own gym, Fight G, however I didn't want to give him anything as an excuse so I already offered to do it at his own gym.”

Right now, people are still waiting for a “formal” acceptance of the challenge, and in the meantime Shane Suzuki is just waiting and training.

“I hope he accepts the challenge match. I've said it before; he has nothing to lose and only everything to gain in this match. At the end of the day, even if he loses he'll still get a lot of respect from me and everyone in the Singapore BJJ community for just stepping up. The only way he loses out is if he declines my challenge.”


  1. This is nothing compared to the gym wars in a certain ASEAN country where it results to stabbing and drive by shootings lol

  2. I find the fact that you ended your comment with lol very depressing

    1. Ha ha this is like John Frankl vs Mickey Choi

  3. Using a Jiu Jitsu match to solve man problems?

    "I hate you! Gonna grab your lapel!"

  4. It's all about mental thing - everything is inside of us. So let it be. Roman Newaza

  5. Shows how much a colored belt doesn't equate to maturity in this sport. Ridiculous

    1. Ha ha Shane learns his BJJ from the Philippines, and there is a macho culture there. You don't go stealing somebody's student ha ha ha It is like stealing a girlfriend

  6. So did you actually hear it from the horse mouth? Your saying that " my friend told me Jason talked shit about me" and that's one of the reason why your challenging him? Dude, come on, your a brown belt... Start to act like one, you sure can roll like a brown belt but your actions and maturity sure doesn't act like one.

    1. Sorry, but it's *You're not your... LOL

  7. It wasn't heard from just one source, it was heard from many (very reliable) sources and it wasn't just usual shit talk. This guy is known for twisting peoples words around and manipulating people, more than one close friend of mine was affected by this. That is why I couldn't simply sit down and talk with him.


  8. Shane, how a bout might resolve your problem? if something was or was not said... Roman

  9. As I said, being a manipulative person I didn't want to talk to him then have him spread rumors about what would have been said. He has done that before. I hope to expose him to everyone and make him realize he can't get away with talking behind peoples backs and trying to hurt peoples reputations.

    Also bear in mind it's not at all just personal, I have been wanting to do a super-fight with a local well known Brown Belt for quite some time and Jason is literally the only other Brown Belt in Singapore still training right now.


    1. Hey Shane! Will there be a day where you will be challenging shinya aoki to a super fight? :) no offense! Just plain curious!:)

  10. Shane, could you explain how he tried to poach your students? Did he spread lies that made your students want to leave? Did he offer them a special discounted rate, far lower than what your gym asks for?

    If he really did talk trash about you, then you have the moral high ground. Unfortunately, right now people see this as a very immature reaction, and you're not even giving him a chance to clarify these rumors that you're hearing. What exactly did he say that you took offence to?

    Otherwise, this would look like you trying to steal his students by shaming him (I hear he's quite out of shape, and injured, too).

  11. Shane, since you live in Singapore you should be careful about making so many unsubstantiated claims against a person's character. You will probably get into some serious legal trouble. It seems that because you are a brown belt in BJJ you feel you are the center of the universe and everyone should time out of their busy schedules to have a grudge match with you. Some people do not have time to take entire days off to fight every 20 year old kid who wants to call them out. Maybe your business is not doing well so you have too much free time?

    1. Your statement has no relevance to the topic. Be a man, state your name. Anyone can talk nonsense if your name is in anonymity.

  12. Hahah, Jason isn't manipulating anyone anytime soon ;). He does a lot of selling in his class, but I been with him for a while and I've not heard anything horrible. Maybe before my time. A lot of selling, team promotion, a lot of "my guy tapped so many people", "this guy beat a purple in thailand", can get tiresome. But recently, nothing.
    Sounds like a lot of embellishment to me. Nature of rumours. He was not universally liked when I joined, and I understand. He is... a little awkward, might give a bad impression, started young maybe made mistakes. Now, he is a cool guy.
    When people know someone has a bad rep, they look for little things and make them big. They gang up. I was there when that French guy on facebook trained in the gym. Struggled with a blue belt, very tired. Next you know Jason is saying "this blue belt is good, he can do very well with purples". French guy heard something different, got very angry. Funny because I heard same guy talk shit about a brown belt, how he tapped him and dominated him. No one to stir shit then huh?
    All these people spreading these words are the ones not good in JiuJitsu. They are in sport for drama not to learn. Who are these people who sit in class only to spread twisted words?
    What does challenge fix? Only difference now is that this article is out, and his name is dragged through mud. Challenge is stupid.

  13. FYI that brown belt the french tapped is not liked at all

  14. Seem like most of the guys that replied above must be jason's students. His name and school was pretty infamous almost for the last half of the decade. Everyone who have been doing jiu jitsu in singapore for the last 5 to 7 years probably know this guy. I dare say almost every other gym owner in singapore have known or have something bad to say about this guy. He is like the black sheep of the jiujitsu community in singapore, pardon me i mean "blackest" sheep. Jiu jitsu is a martial art, in fact sparring is a staple curriculum in every bjj class no matter where you practice this art. Quoting shane word's:"At the end of the day, even if he loses he'll still get a lot of respect from me and everyone in the Singapore BJJ community for just stepping up. " i believe this is a good martial art form of way to end a bitter relationship, like what they say. "It's a sport where you leave everything on the mat."

  15. Let me start off by saying my name is Kelvin and I am a student of Shane. I stand by what I am about to say and am not afraid to put my name on it.

    There are many things said by each and every one of us within our community, be it good or bad, be it right or wrong. Many a times, opinions differ, and that is that; just opinions. I have an opinion about a certain school/person (not referring to any party right now, just an example). I have my reasons to feel that way. May not be the truth, but it doesn't change the fact that that is how I feel. Likewise, everyone else is entitled to their opinion. Even then, there are boundaries not to be cross. Once you cross the line, then your opinion becomes a statement, and like all statements, must be backed up by something concrete and factual.

    Shane has listed his reasons and intentions very clearly. Many have come forth and said that he is childish for pursuing a personal vendetta, bullying through force. While the exact nature of the statements being made against Shane is confidential, from what have been revealed, it is clear that Shane's ability as a Jiu Jitsu fighter and instructor is being questioned.

    Let me ask then, how else will you respond when your credibility is being questioned? How else do you prove that YOU, not your school, not your students, not your teachers, but you yourself is a legitimate Jiu Jitsu fighter? If a scientist's thesis is questioned, he has to prove he is right, backing it up with research. When a Jiu Jitsu fighter's skill is questioned, he backs it up. Is there any better way to to disprove rumors?

    Shane has chosen to take the most direct and clear-cut way to put an end to this entire situation. He will prove that, above all else, that he is a legitamate Jiu Jitsu fighter on the mats. He has made it very clear that he will not pursue this matter any further once the match is done. As it is all known to us, we leave everything on the mats.

    I am compelled to defend my teacher because it is clear that his intentions are misunderstood and have been twisted and taken out of context, be it with ill-intentions or otherwise. Beyond that I will not speak on his behalf or comment any further regarding the allegations made against him. I urge anyone else that is not directly involved to respectfully hold back on commenting and speculating any further until both parties have officially responded. My intentions are not to disparage Jason or his school in any way. I only intend to clear the misunderstanding regarding Shane's actions and intentions.

    Thank you.

    1. Don't mess Jujutsu with BJJ - they are very different.

    2. Since The whole context is about BJJ, I think everyone (but you roman) understood what Kelvin meant. Or maybe everyone else just isn't as OCD as you.

    3. Hey, asshole, you forgotten you name? Let's fight with me!

    4. Roman just went all Bruce Banner on your ass. Ukraine represent!

  16. LOL. How can a challenge be stupid ?

    Why BJJ exist ? because of challenges.

    Why MMA exist ? because of challenges.

    If no challenge, no competition, you hardly make the sport improve.

    Are boxers stupid when they challenge the champion ?

    Bunch of homos.
    If you dont like challenges, dont do martial arts, join a badbinton club or do some dancing.

    Shane prove his maturity by challenging Quek on the MAT and not just going to beat him up in the street, like in other continent things would more likely happen this way after so much words.

  17. BJJ is a macho sport with a lot of ego involved. Maybe, this kind of sport is not for Singaporeans where people are just afraid of confrontations. There is serious competition in BJJ which even resulted to fist fights in the beach, etc ha ha

    1. BJJ is rather gentle form comparing to Japanese Jujutsu, Yoshin Ryu or Hakko Ryu and others, for example.

    2. the Brazilians who propagated the sport did it by gym wars, macho fights and etc. Nothing really gentle with this sport.

    3. In Japan they just been killing

  18. Where does the line get drawn if this happens? What about this guy then who is Singapore's first local brownbelt (its not jason) who has also talked a lot of shit about him and his school?? Is it because Leke (the supposed "neutral" ref, is from the same gym)


    Shane would have taken him on if Jason wasn't around since he's been wanting to do "a super-fight with a local well known Brown Belt for some time"?? Makes no sense

  19. Shane is a super nice guy. Can't say the same for Jason.

    1. How about you just stay out of the discussion since you don't know either party personally?

    2. lol, he does dude.

    3. I roll in Jason Dojo and he is friend of mine. seams like you can't prove it.

    4. seems like you can't spell

    5. Do you write in two languages? Three? Well Roman does.

      Fuck you.

    6. and english isn't one of them?

    7. Damn, high standards. Do you scoff at supermodels with pointy elbows as well

  20. Jesus Christ. I'm 25. I have a well paying job. I build motherfucking robots. I have better shit to do than keep up with all this gayness.

    You faggots bitch away. All of you. Enjoy impersonating a teenage girl in your spare time.

    Fuck all of you. I'm out.

    1. Ah yes cause calling people "faggots" and cussing them out is totally mature.

    2. I am gonna track you and rip your Star Wars dolls

    3. They are GI Joes, and they are plastic. Good luck :D

  21. OHHH. THAT brown belt. He is teaching at some local poly. If Shane is going around challenging questionable ranks, why not him?

    This is becoming more like a petty squabble focused on one person rather than some "noble" crusade to show the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. He is losing the high ground on this.

    I agree with the poster above, if Jason declines does he then move on to the next suspect brown intructor on the list? or is this just some petty personal beef

  22. Im deborah, and i dont do bjj, but i have friends who do.

    dont mind me, but can we all not be 12 years old. whatever that has been said(hear say/ truth/ gossip) is in the past.

    everyone who is not shane or jason, lets all not add fuel to the fire. its a beef between these 2 ppl. and its up to them to work it out, all we can do is, not make it worst then it alrdy is.

    Shane, i know you feel strongly about this.i have never met you, but i do believe you are a nice guy, and you are good at bjj. you might think having a challenge it the best way to settle the score.but i can tell you its not worth it, no matter what outcome comes of this, no one will be happy and both parties will have something to lose and the shit talking will cont. it might make things worst.

    Can i suggest, talk to jason straight. i will buy both of you coffee,lets have a sit down just you and jason. Dont let your personal beef with jason be entertainment for all. we are all adults, i believe we can all come to an understanding. You guys might not agree but we can all agree to disagree and let whatever that has been said and done stay in the past.

    1. First sane thing I've seen

    2. Now that's a smart gal if I ever met one.

    3. I think this is just a marketing stunt, an attempt by a brown belt to get more students. Most of us have access to black belts and don't need to resort to training with brown belts. A brown belt will never get noticed unless he creates some publicity.

      If this is not for publicity, why not just turn up during the other guy's class and roll with him? No less honourable, isn't it?

    4. what belt are you Clarence?

    5. Clarence, I think saying "resorting to training with brown belts" is pretty naive thing to say. For anyone even up until purple, whether their instructor is a brown or black belt does not really make much if any difference as a good brown should be able to teach them more than enough for their level. Shane himself was trained primarily by two brown belts in the Philippines, and he even reached high level brown belt just under them..

    6. Anon,

      I think it was Rickson Gracie who said beginners should try to train with a black belt if they can. His belief is that only at black belt level do you understand enough of the art to begin teaching it to others. I think a black belt can teach, spot and correct the beginner's techniques better than a brown. And if you develop bad habits when you are a beginner, probably hard to change them later on. My point is, we have many black belts in Singapore now, no reason to train elsewhere.

    7. There are very different levels of black belt as are there different levels of brown belt. it's naive to assume that one person can teach better than another because of one rank difference. if that were the case, jason and shane's students should be getting smashed in comps by the "black belt trained" guys from the other gyms but that is clearly not the case. at the lower levels (white-purple), it does not make a significant difference if the instructor is a brown as long as he's a competent brown.

  23. I believe that Shane has stated his intentions pretty clearly in this interview. He put out this challenge because Jason has been talking bad about him and his students not just once, but actually on many multiple different occasions.

    There have also been other events such as the aforementioned poaching of students and labelling of my teammate as a sandbagger(someone from jason's gym did that fyi, not the man himself) which actually lead to the escalation to what we have now.

    I believe this clears up Shane's intentions a little more. There wouldn't be any fire if the initial sparks weren't there.

    1. I find it weird how all the guys that train with jason have never heard any of these things before but somehow everyone else has. Its like you'd think if he wanted to say such things, it would be to the people he would feel the safest with. But then again, free entertainment!!!!

      Please carry on. :)

  24. we are free people and we can choose what to do and in which place to practice. if someone moved to another Dojo, it is his decision and I'm sure this person got the reason. just be better and none is gone.

  25. C'mon guys this between Jason and Shane. Let's not add up to the beef of the two. Shane has already stated his intentions over here, so now let us wait for Jason's official reply.

  26. The comments thread should be closed to anonymous posters.

    Too many people taking the opportunity to stir shit here.

  27. once upon a time, two lions A and B were taking a drink at the watering hole. Lion A says to Lion B, "bitch imma the king of the jungle. cos my mane is furrier than yours." Lion B replies, "bitch have you lost your dayum mind? your furry head ain't shit." they go on for awhile, completely oblivious to the guy decked out in full camo gear pointing a fucking hunting rifle at both their stupid heads, who could bring a violent end to their argument in a second.

    can you see the parallels? two brown belts are arguing over whose belt is more brown. and you've got a shit load of black belt instruction at just about every other gym.

    don't be a sheep. neither of them are the best in singapore, even if the country is as tiny as it is. it's a joke to call this a super fight. if you're getting poached by a brown belt, you're a moron. if either of them want to claim to be a "fucking fighter", go challenge one of Evolve's black belts.

    1. Fuck Evolve.

      - Hater.

    2. LOL nobody likes them, but you gotta admit they're a lot better than these two...

    3. We are talking about shane suzuki here who was once a REAL WORLD CHAMPION, not one of those "world champions" at evolve. Well one of them supposedly even got his champion status for being the only one in his weight class at a competition

    4. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ELFl2_1q7DI/TObn1HnV2fI/AAAAAAAAAaQ/5JkvAtpbv7k/s1600/Not_sure_if_serious.jpg

    5. LOL the level of dick riding here is unbelievable. Don't know what kinda crazy pills your instructor is feeding you but it sure is working.

    6. It's true, not a single instructor at Evolve is actually a legitimate World Champion whereas Shane won the World Pro just this year. No dick riding, that's pretty much straight fact.

    7. That's asinine. Is that what your instructor told you? I don't train at evolve and even I think that's crazy. Evolve's coaches are Mundial winners at black and brown belt divisions? Hello? I mean correct me if I'm wrong (and I REALLY don't think I'm wrong here) but shane hasn't even competed at black belt level cos... he isn't one? winning lower belt regional tourneys in thailand is all well and good but the dude has never competed in the US and/or Brazil. That's like saying Brock Lesnar is a better wrestler than Olympic gold medalist wrestlers just cos he won NCAA Div 1.

    8. after a quick google, shane won ADCC World Pro as a purple. so this qualifies him as "world champion". fair enough.

      but to discredit the evolve coaches is just crazy. to compare it with the mundials is pretty far out.

    9. Yeah and tell me which guy currently at Evolve won a world championship/mundial, and which year or division if it's true? Not saying they're bad grapplers, Zoro in particular is a beast, but don't believe all the hype Evolve feeds you.

    10. Leandro (2004) brown belt.

      Zorobabel (2005) brown belt.

      Lima (98) black belt (beat Schembri apparently). http://www.ibjjf.org/results/1998mundial.htm

      There. That took me 5min while sitting on the can. Winning at brown belt in 04/05 ain't nothing to fuck with.

    11. qft. and that's not mentioning Takeo Tani, who won the Pan Ams twice in addition to a bunch of other high level comps. I think he's the most medalled guy there.

      but seriously, did your instructor really tell you that none of them were legit? or did you really not know? If you just started training I won't blame you for the latter but if your coach has been telling his students winning competitions in BRAZIL ain't nothing, he's dishonest.

  28. I love the lion analogy. We will all respect Shane's "humility" when he goes into Evolve Pomo and submits the black-belt instructors one at a time (following IBJJF Brown Belt rules of course). haha

    1. I don't think it was meant as a specific dig at Shane. but the point is this: no matter who wins this challenge is STILL at a far lower level than a mundial champ *cough* evolve *cough*. so maybe they both should take that into perspective before competing in this who-has-the-larger-scrotum "super" fight.

  29. Ha ha now this is the real BJJ culture. I like it

  30. Agree with above poster on shit stirrers

    That loser brown belt has left/was fired from Impact already. He is not a brown from Leke and he has been kicked out of other gyms before. Please do not associate the two.

    Cheap attempt to drag an unrelated gym's name in the mud.

    1. Shit stirrer??? I was merely pointing out that brownbelt has not competed at purple OR brown belt and yet is Singapore's first local brown belt. There was a whole thread on bjj-asia.com questioning his promotion and this was before Jason was promoted. He has said a lot of stuff too (esp. about fight G) and don't get me started on the sleaze that he is. Why not call him out too/first? Is Shane's quest really that professional/noble for the benefit of Singapore's BJJ or is he just basically challenging someone he doesn't like personally to a fight like a thug.

      And not associated? See https://www.facebook.com/groups/SPMMA/. Owned.

    2. "owned"? Childish.

      I'm talking about trying to drag other gym's names in the mud. We obviously don't disagree about this guy, I have also heard those stories.

      I don't know how old that link is. If he has conned some kids into believing he is genuine good for him. He is not listed as an instructor on Impact's website. Bye.

    3. Why even bring him into it? Jesus Christ, this has nothing to do with him. Let me know who you are this Saturday and you are getting an armbar from me.

    4. Maher, you/Jason rolled with this "first local brownbelt" b4? What his level like

  31. FINALLY, something interesting happened in SINGAPORE. ha ha This is the first time these blog have 50 comments. See what intrigues can do hahaha

    1. Seriously guys, I don't know what the fuss is, these are just brown belts. We have plenty of jiu-jitsu black belts in Singapore now, Evolve, Impact, Stable, Impakt, do we really care about two brown belts? Why train with brown belts when we can train with black belts? Apart from Evolve, the prices black belts charge are not much higher than brown belts.

    2. Wow, such a typical thing for a newbie to say. What belt are you Clarence? Just because someone is a Black Belt does not mean they can teach. I think Shane and Jason, despite being Brown Belts, have been teaching longer and have a better track record of students than most of the Black Belts in Singapore.

    3. Anon,

      Just because someone is a black belt does not mean he can't teach, lol. As I said before, we have plenty of black belts in Singapore right now, so unless you are saying that any of these black belts in Singapore can't teach, I would definitely choose to train with a black belt rather than a brown. A black belt has more rolling time, probably more competition experience at a higher level, has trained longer and has definitely much more to offer than a brown belt.

    4. I said because someone is a black belt does not mean they CAN teach, not a specific dig just stating the obvious fact.

      I think that Atos in philippines is proof enough of the fact that brown belts can often make better teachers than black belts. their team is the most accomplished in the entire region having produced two world champions (eros at blue, shane at purple) plus jr santos who got silver at blue, all run by two brown belts. this team does better than any of the other local teams headed by black belts, heck i'd say better than most other teams in SEA.

      Of course, generally, if someone is a black belt you'd expect them to be a better teacher than a brown, but it's not that black and white with rankings. especially at the brown/black level.

  32. Is this the same Jason that taps a guy once and tells the whole world? But doesnt tell them that he got tapped like ten times before that?
    This is interesting.

    1. He. Has. Never done that. Not once in the four years I've been around.

      That hearsay you just spouted? It belongs in a shit sandwich. The shit sandwich belongs in your mouth.

    2. Yeah I heard those stories about jason from many people too.. he also often makes certain guests roll with his strongest guys first, back to back before rolling with them himself. assuming you train with jason, its expected you chose to ignore the shady things he does

    3. Yes... except for all the times he rolled first... that you didn't hear about, because it was nothing of note. I still remember my man Russian Paul coming down, and whooping Jason's ass FIRST, after he volunteered, in front of the whole class, before tapping the rest of us like children. Or the countless other purple, brown and black belts that dropped by and rolled with him first or second.
      Sorry son, I'm not ignoring SHIT. You don't know me, and you don't know what I'm like, so don't stand up behind a fucking mask and tell me I would choose to ignore my instructor being a cunt. I have called Jason out TO HIS FACE when I disagreed with something he was doing, be it in class or in life. I dick ride no man.
      Feel free to put your name down before you question my integrity, or my judgement of character, and spread lies and hearsay about the integrity of my instructor, a man you have likely not met. Until then enjoy standing by your anonymity where you can't be accountable for your words.

  33. You guys are hilarious. At the end of the day, I wouldn't train with either of you, so carry on the bitching in your small little worlds, the rest of us will carry on training and have a good laugh at this.

  34. What are you guys waiting for? seriously, people's view of Singaporean MMA as pussies will change if this happened

  35. A lot better? From what I remember during the previous one fc event was that, some evolve dude getting soccer kicked to his face by a 19 year old? Hahahha! Living on this earth for so long I didn't even got a soccer kick before

    1. You are a cunt. Take all that shit you just typed and shove it up your ass where it belongs. If you see me in public, let me know this is you, and I will put the back of my hand on your acne-filled, teenage face.
      Now go clean your room kiddo.

    2. we got a bad ass here...

    3. Merely a citizen willing to do his part to weed out the ignorant and cowardly. Join me and perhaps we can rid such scum together.

    4. LOL I thought i was supposed to leave my ego at the door. that's how BJJ was marketed to me anyway. oh well.

    5. You and I seem to understand the word "ego" differently.

  36. At least Shane is man enough to call out someone, and roll it out. This is a lot more honorable than talking shit behind people and not able to back it up.

  37. You know whats funny? Once upon a time the "first singaporean brownbelt" and jason were actually close friends.... LOL

    1. And they still would be if some anonymous cunts on the internet did not throw feces at the promotion and bring my instructor's name into it. I have been with the man four years, and I have hung out with him. He never said SHIT about that promotion other than "wow, that's cool". Never even questioned it. THAT, is truth.

    2. this brown stopped friending jason over something he read on the internet? He sounds stupid. Can someone explain more what this promotion of this first local brownbelt is about

    3. I think this is him https://www.facebook.com/brenden.yamamoto

    4. What reason is there for bringing in this guy, who from what I heard doesn't even train anymore!?

    5. He teaches at SP, like that then why bring in Jason who doesnt train but teaches?

  38. Maher, let it pass. If they have beef with someone, they should have the guts to put their name on it the very least. Keyboard warriors have started too many politics with the gyms around. Like us around, who actually put our name down, and spoke up for either parties should at least have some weight in the discussion.

    Looks like this will just be another episode of petty gym wars in Singapore since it's becoming more of a non-starter.

    1. Truth my man. This ain't sherdog. If you want to say something, put a name to the face, and maybe I won't feel compelled to shit on you. A man may say what he thinks with a mask on, but no one cares what a coward thinks.

      Woah that was surprisingly deep. Where did that come from? Must have been from Game of Thrones or something.

    2. so Maher, is Jason gonna fight or not?

    3. Don't know Mr. anon. don't care.

    4. with the short form, he suddenly became an Indian/javanese descent. Hahaha, anon.

    5. Lulz. Now every anon dude on the internet is going to show up as Javanese brother in my head.

    6. Every dude (and dudette) up there ^ who had the cojones to put a name to the letters, you have my respect. Kelvin, Colin (slider?), Debs, Glendon, Roman, Shawn, and Hilmi here. Fucking A, all of you.

      NOW you can speak, after you've put yourself out there, after you've made yourself accountable for what you say like those seven people. Everyone can be brave when they're an avatar; but they can lie too, they can exaggerate. And they can be douchebags. Don't be that guy.

      And yes, that goes to my boys up there too, I know you're looking you faggots, and each of you is getting Sakurabarred the next time I see you for being pussies ;).

  39. fuck u all!! u are all moron, shane u r a shame,like a kid that want to be notice.everyone pirate student .student follow instructor or student follow trainer talked shit.me dont want to be a student of any of these people.

    1. Its ok, these guys wouldn't want retards like you training under them either.

    2. u r more retard coz u were with them haha moron

  40. Does jason even lift?

  41. Looks like the community wants to see this go down. if they don't fight who can shane fight next?????

  42. What a challenge. MMA fighters around the world really loves challenges. Indeed, accepting challenges makes a fighter more skillful in his chosen field.

  43. any news about the challenge? I want to know what's the status.


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