
I’m Conflicted – Should it be about Information, Opinion, Honesty?

I’m Conflicted – Should it be about Information, Opinion, Honesty?

Published on April 3, 2012 by The Editor in Opinion

Just A Little Refresher As To Who We Are And What We Do

One of the people I follow on twitter Mike Hackler of MMA-Japan.com  posted this:

“All these other “Asian MMA” websites let me help you. Posting presser releases is not original content” 

And, the thing is I totally agree with him even though I am also guilty on occasions of  being what I call a ‘copypasta’ although I do try to produce original articles as much as possible. But the thing is I also know that we walk a thin line.
People come to sites like these for many things including Information and occasionally for Opinion.
If I don’t do the information thing then the other sites will suck up all the readers.

Now, I could play it safe and just do the copypasta thing and only write ‘puff’ pieces that make everybody happy and then I would get nice sponsorship and all access press to all events.
I choose not to do that, why should I? The biggest percentage of  websites out there already do that and their contributors all jostle cage side. So, of course I can see the benefits of that but why, what’s the point. I’m an MMA fan with my own spin on things, my own point of view.

Now, I guess those that like to read opinion, then decide whether to come back if they appreciate the opinions we post or go elsewhere if they don’t. I’m not about to post opinions just to curry favor with anybody.
Now, the trouble with opinions (while mine anyway) is that I am honest and forthright. I don’t pitty pat around, I write what I think.

The problem with that is, it has all sorts of negative issues. For instance for a long time one of the biggest MMA organizations in Asia blocked me completely, No Facebook, no Twitter, no Press Releases and definitely no Press Access. – For now I have Facebook, Twitter and I even get Press Releases. I do not however get press access. This is sad as it of course means that my readers suffer, as of course do I.

I also write what I think about fights and fighters. If I think a bout is a mismatch and I flag it in advance, I get flack.
If I bring it up after the event I get flack even if I was proven totally correct. People seem to like to tell an outclassed fighter that he did great. Nice friends you got there champ!
My truthful reaction is seen by some as disrespectful to the fighters. It’s not, and calling for me to get in a cage and fight them is fucking stupid as well, they train to fight and I am well past any prime I may have had. I am not disrespectful to fighters, they get in a cage and fight and for that I give them respect. BUT, that does not mean you are ready to fight anybody at any level. Sorry if I am the only one willing to tell you that. If your friends really cared maybe they would be honest with you.

But, come on really if your record is for instance 3-3 and you have fought in ‘local’ events and your opponent is 3-3 and he has fought internationally who is most likely to win. If that second fighter is actually 4-1 internationally WHO is going to win?
It’s not me being a bastard it’s just looking at the facts. And , of course sometimes fighters get lucky, but I’m not disrespecting you. I respect you for training hard and daring to get in that cage. But, really step back a bit and think, is what I am writing correct?

My own Son is training to be a fighter and its most important to me that he moves upwards at a normal pace not taking big jumps in class until he has proved he can beat those around him. If managers, or fighters make bad decisions it could destroy their careers, they may get one shot at the big time, why waste it on a mismatch? If an organization thinks you are good enough, demand a decent match up and give yourself a chance at a real career.

And of course I have big issues with organizations putting on fights that are obvious mismatches, we saw that sort of shit in boxing all the time as boxers were fed easy wins to build up a name. I don’t wish to see that happen in MMA. MMA is about the best of the best.

Another thing I have big issues with is, everybody cannot be a champion in MMA. If everybody in MMA is a champion who  is losing?  You can be a current champion or an ex champion, you can be a veteran of, for instance Dream or Deep. You can be a present URCC champion fighting an Ex Dream Champion, that works, that works just fine. You see by automatically putting champion in front of every name people stop even reading that , they just skip over it.

Anyway, I guess what I am trying to say is, if you don’t like what we do go find one of those sites that write nice things regardless. We are not like that, sorry and all.

MMAnewsAsia.com started as a one man band, we now have a couple of occasional helpers for whom we have nothing but love. One of those known as “The Coffee Boy” writes very good articles when he can find the time in amongst his studies and he is free to write what he wants, he is much less controversial than me, but as long as he writes what he believes to be true, I am happy to offer him a platform.

We fund everything from our pockets and occasionally enjoy a freebie from some MMA organizations, for which we offer grateful thanks. But whether we pay or have a freebie we still write what we want, what we believe.
We would very much appreciate some sponsorship or adverts on the site but regardless of them we will continue to produce content for you to read.

And to you Mike Hackler, well, you are right. But, we are doing our best.

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