
DARE ~ The Most Dangerous Gameshow Ep 1

DARE ~ The Most Dangerous Gameshow Ep 1

But Is It Any Good?

Well is it?

The show starts with the ultimate showman, Jonathan Nutt introducing us to the show in a Jon Nutt stylee.

The show is just 6.22 seconds long but is it 6.22 seconds of pure DARE gold.

Now, as we know or don't, MMA in Thailand is illegal, hence this was a secret show, you could call it "Underground" as you will and who even knows where it was held, well actually only the select few but Bangkok is a given!

Todays show features The Machine vs The Battery and sadly I have got to say it's probably the weakest match-up I have ever seen in a DARE cage.

The Machine may look mean in his pictures but he very soon had the fight beat out of him, a few good shots and he basically lost all heart and turtled up. Well, that's what happened here, the bully got bullied. The Machine may be a great visual for advertising and he may be a really nice guy, (I'm only writing this based upon the image he has created I don't know if he is a really a bully or a really nice stand-up guy), but he is at best a Kimbo Slice type of fighter, put him in a cage with rules and you take away a good portion of his skill set!

And as we all know with even the UFC, MMA is only as good as the bouts, the match-ups and well this wasn't a good one.

I am sure future shows (weekly on Thursdays) will feature much better fights, DARE is certainly known for good match-ups and exciting bouts.

Of course one of the things that made DARE so special was the setting and the attitude.

Bangkok, Club Insomnia, Sukhumvit and DARE.

Sadly, that just did not transfer through this show, we need more Jonathan Nutt, more Xanny (please), even some Jussi. We need the walk-outs, the noise, the music the attitude. In short we need DARE and I hope future shows give us that.

For now, I am an interested fan just waiting for THAT big fight, I know that some are coming, so I guess I had better be patient.

So to sum up, this wasn't the best bout to start a series off with and we need more of 'The Entertainer" and more of Bangkok for colour. Let's see the after party, lets get some of that DARE flavor coming at us through our computer screens.

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